1. Assess the extent to which the unification of Germany under Bismarck led to authoritarian government there between 1871 and 1914.
1. To unify Germany, Bismarck had to go against the Reichstag many times
i. Junkers were opposed to taxes but Bismarck had them be collected anyways without their permission
ii. Bismarck made the calls to go to war and make treaties- didn’t consult the Reichstag
2. New government of Germany reported to the kaiser, not the Reichstag
3. Bismarck named himself or loyal followers to the most key positions (Chancellor, Prime Minister)
i. Used this to manipulate the Democratic system in his favor
2. Compare and contrast the foreign policy goals and achievements of Metternich (1815-1848) and Bismarck (1862-1890).
1. Metternich- Conservative/ Concert of Europe
i. Repress nationalism and countries work together to solve problems
ii. Used alliances to balance power
2. Bismarck- Realpolitik (more conservative than liberal but in the middle)
i. Capitalized on Nationalism (Danish War) and manipulated other countries to his advantage (Seven Weeks’ War)
ii. Made alliances for Realpolitik (Helped Russia in Polish revolt to gain their support in the future)
3. Contrast the impact of nationalism in Germany and the Austrian Empire from 1848 to 1914.
1. Germany- Nationalism strengthened Germany over all
i. Used nationalism as rallying point to unify the country
ii. 1896 Olympic games were a way for Germans to be proud of their country because they did very well and not do it through war
iii. Pan-German league was a strong nationalism rallying point and got Germany to expand economic holdings and industry
2. Austria- Nationalism weakened Austria
i. Austria had so many different nationalities that it was weakened first from Dual-Monarchy and then by all other nationalities wanting representation
ii. Nationalism amongst all the different ethnicities made a parliamentary system break down
iii. Anti-Semitism became a common link among all nationalities in Austria-Hungary and led to WWII
4. Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and Germany, respectively.
1. Cavour- Utilized war as a way to create nationalist spirit and unify, although at first was unsuccessful
i. Had to fight internally to unify North and South (Garibaldi)
ii. Set goals and accomplished them through diplomacy and cunning politics
2. Bismarck- Realpolitik and manipulation of countries around him
i. “Blood and Iron” combined with diplomacy
ii. Just used opportunities whenever they presented themselves
5. Analyze the factors that prevented the development of a unified German state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
1. Power struggles between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Papacy
2. Elective nature of HRE never allowed him to establish the necessary strength in leadership
3. Reformation and Peace of Westphalia made it difficult for Germans to unite when religion was still the most important aspect of life and politics
4. Separation of Germany into over 300 states who ALL had to agree made collective decisions almost impossible
5. Equal powers of Prussia and Austria disabled them from ever taking charge and unifying Germany because one always blocked the other
i. Germany couldn’t unify until Prussia crippled Austria and kicked them out of German Confederation
ii. Duality of Austria-Hungary weakened Austria just like Prussia-Austria weakened Hapsburg Empire