Thursday, January 13, 2011

AP Euro Enlightenment Recap

Philosophes- usually elite, upper class
A) 5 Main Ideas
-Human ability to analyze the world without any humanistic elements of the past
-Use reason to understand science and natural laws
-Happiness for future in the supernal world as being anti-materialistic
-Human Progress- society is constantly changing    -Freedoms of speech, press, trade, travel, etc.
B) The Philosophes 
-Voltaire- Candide criticizes society; censorship; organized religion created by the people
-Montesquieu- Spirit of the Laws; success in England’s government; checks and balance system
-Diderot- wrote Encyclopedia about all aspects of society in scientific manner
-Smith- capitalism/laissez faire economy without government interference
-Rousseau- Social Contract- Gov. can’t take away rights; social contract that monarch must protect the rights of the people (life, liberty, property), right to rebel; new educational theories
-Condorcet- increased women’s rights, argues for constitutionalism

Political- Enlightened Despots
-Joseph II- abolishes serfdom, gives power of taxation to aristocrats, religious tolerance while limiting the power of the Catholic Church
-Frederick the Great- followed Voltaire, new reforms about education and industry; freed the serfs, religiously tolerant
-Catherine the Great- followed Voltaire and Diderot’ brought French culture to Russia; revised and codified Russian law, yet most Enlightenment reforms failed
-Louis XV- get rid of Jansenists; abolishes Parlement, forced to bring back to gain support

A) Salons- organized gatherings of women sparking intellectual life outside universities
-Purpose- fought for rights of women and allowed them to argue politics
-EX. Salon of Madame Geoffrin, Mary Wollstonecraft writes Vindication of the Rights of Women
B) Religious-Countries become more religiously tolerant- ex. Austria and Prussia
-France- Louis XV bans Jansenists through papal bull
C) Social classes- France’s Parlement (nobles gaining power) and abolishing serfdom in Europe

Military- Wars of Enlightenment
1) War of the Spanish Succession
-Cause- Charles II of Spain makes nephew (Phillip III) heir while also being heir to France
-Countries fight to balance power
-Treaty of Utrecht (1713)- France and Spain stay separate, other land acquisitions
2) War of Austrian Succession
-Cause- Maria Therese becomes chosen heiress
-Pragmatic Sanction of 1713- allows women to take throne in Habsburg lands
-Frederick of Prussia invades, takes power, takes over Silesia, Austria
-Peace of Aix-La-Chapelle (1748)- Maria Theresa now queen, husband Francis becomes HRE

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