Thursday, January 13, 2011

AP Euro Scientific Revolution Recap

Causes- printing press, rivalries among city-states, reformation, and humanism

-Ptolemy- geocentricism and circular orbits (just like what the Church believed)
-Copernicus- earth revolves around sun (heliocentricism), circular orbits
-Brahe- planets around sun, sun and moon around the earth; observed stars and comet
-Kepler- heliocentricism with elliptical orbits
-Galileo- telescope to view solar system

Other Sciences
-Galen- physician, wrote On the Construction of the Human Body, dissected human body for medical knowledge
-Paracelsus- experimented with new drugs, founded pharmacology
-Harvey- blood circulation, used rational deduction
-Newton- Principia applied laws of movements to planetary motion and summarized his mathematical and mechanical discoveries; founds calculus

Philosophy- sought to break with past tradition
-Francis Bacon (France)- scientific method, used math and mechanics to understand nature and use nature to elaborate on scientific knowledge (less reliance on tradition)
-Descartes- “I think, therefore I am”- used deductive reasoning to understand the universe, broke with tradition (past is taking over the present) through writing in French, not Latin

-Copernicus bases his theories off bible, dedicated his work to Pope Paul III
-Catholic Church condemns work of Galileo and Pope Urban VIII puts him in house arrest
-Papal Inquisition executes Giordano Bruno in 1600 for heresies about a dual-universe
-Many of the scientists were religious- ex. Newton
-Jansenists- Catholic faction believing in total sinfulness of mankind and need for salvation

Society- classes
-All social classes appreciated new sciences

Politically- constant rivalry among nation-states that increased scientific development
-Political theories of Hobbes and Locke
-Power of state is needed to control society
-Absolute rulership to control society
-Power comes from social contract, not divine right
-Social Contract- ruler can do whatever they want, people have no rights, can’t rebel
-Man born free, Gov. must organize society
-Social Contract- man has inalienable rights of life, liberty, and property and can rebel if they are taken away
-Opposed forcing Catholicism on people
-Tabula Rasa- man is born innocent

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